Beyond a Limit

Beyond a Limit

A new poem by Horace Thomas, an inmate at Salinas Valley State Prison in California.

The Redeeming Value of Art in Prison

The Redeeming Value of Art in Prison

Bobby Bostic was sentenced to life without parole when he was just 16. Bostic is a prolific writer and poet and recently sent Free Verse his essay on the power of art in prisons for publication on their blog.

"Reel" by Horace Thomas

"Reel" by Horace Thomas

“The mind takes over/ running like a reel/ pushing you forward/ so your fate won’t be sealed…”

More poetry from Horace Thomas at Salinas Valley State Prison.

"Wake Up Call" by Horace Thomas

"Wake Up Call" by Horace Thomas

Poetry submitted to Free Verse from Salinas Valley State Prison. “Criminals on this machine/ tighten its nuts and bolts/ anytime they come to prison/ to serve out a jolt…”

"Masculinity" by Michael Webb

"Masculinity" by Michael Webb

My belief system about masculinity was to show no fear, fight, fight, fight, and men don’t cry. I lived this from adolescence into my early adult years and while incarcerated. This helped me to survive, so I thought. No matter how reckless or angry I was, there was something inside of me that felt incomplete. The feelings of guilt and shame led me to search for a transformation within myself.

States of Incarceration

States of Incarceration

Written by Parker Boeing.

Free Verse has been collaborating with a class at the University of Montana along with the Humanities Action Lab since August. Together, the goal is to create a project by the end of the semester that will raise awareness about Mass Incarceration.

Interview with Liana Imam

Interview with Liana Imam

“That’s something really special about that space, and that’s something that’s made me love it so much, just how open and raw and ready the students there are.”